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At Bracher, we use the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) for behavior and academics.  For the behavior side we follow a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model. MTSS-B/PBIS is a proactive school-wide approach to create a positive school environment and culture. The MTSS-B/PBIS model works in a three tiered approach that focuses on problem solving. At Tier 1 all students are taught the school-wide expectations and are positively reinforced for following them.  We expect students to R.O.A.R.  In other words, we expect students to be Respectful, to have an Outstanding Attitude, to Always be safe, and finally to be Responsible! Teachers engage in evidence based classroom practices to support expected behavior. Tier 2 is intended to identify and support groups of students who need a little extra support. Tier 3 focuses on individualized and intensive plans designed for specific students who need additional individualized interventions. MTSS-B/PBIS teaches students positive behavior and helps support a positive place to learn.